by Administrator | Jun 5, 2017
Environmental lead for the preparation of an assessment (EA) under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. To facilitate the completion of the EA, the project required coordination of information between disciplines (engineering design,...
by Administrator | Jun 5, 2017
Preparation of a local environmental study for redevelopment and reclassification of land near Teralba, NSW on behalf of Lake Macquarie City Council. The study was required to address land use planning feasibility of siting sporting fields and crushing facilities on...
by Administrator | Jun 5, 2017
Provided planning and assessment advice to the environment team in relation to the application of State and Commonwealth legislation and resultant planning pathways pertaining to various rail development proposals. This advice has included forecast of cost and...
by Administrator | Jun 5, 2017
Design, build and operation of a 50 ML/d advanced water treatment plant at the St Marys STP for the treatment of tertiary treated effluent from Quakers Hill, Penrith and St Marys STPs, associated pipelines and pump stations. Key responsibilities: Environmental support...
by Administrator | Jun 5, 2017
Alliance for the D&C works associated with the Tamworth Sewerage Augmentation Program (Part A) and included the upgrade of Westdale WWTP to 61,000 EP, effluent pumping station, 7.5km rising main and 2,000ML storage at the effluent re-use farm. Key...
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